Reduction of Unwanted Hair
Laser hair removal reduces unwanted hair once and for all. No one laser is ideal for all skin and hair types. At Finesse, we have the best clinical lasers to deliver optimum results for each individual. For light skin with no recent sun exposure, an Alexandrite laser is the most clinically effective laser for hair removal. If your skin is dark or tanned, an Nd:YAG laser will provide the safest results.
At Finesse Laser Center, we utilize the Cynosure Apogee Elite laser for hair removal. The Elite contains both Alexandrite and Nd:YAG lasers in one system to deliver optimal results for all skin types. Unlike many other laser centers, we don’t treat our Boston area laser hair removal clients with one type of laser which may be ineffective and in many cases dangerous. With several gold-standard technologies, our experienced staff will choose the safest and most effective laser for you individually.
Before & After Photos
Common Laser Hair Removal Cosmetic Questions
Hair grows in three distinct cycles. First, the active or growth cycle (anagen), then the dormant cycle (catagen), and finally the fall-out or shedding cycle (telogen). Since melanin is only produced in the growth phase of the hair, the laser must target the hair follicle during this cycle. At any given time, 20-30% of the hair in a particular area may be in a growth phase; therefore, more than one treatment needs to be scheduled, preferably at 4-8 week intervals. With multiple treatments, we can ensure that most of the hair follicles are disabled. Since the laser targets the pigment in the hair, your hair needs to be darker than your skin. In general, laser hair removal is not effective for white, gray, blond, or red hairs.
Because the laser targets hairs that are in an actively growing phase, several treatments are required to eliminate any new hairs as they come into a growth phase. Treatments are spaced four to eight weeks apart depending on the body area and can take from 5 minutes (the upper lip) to 45 minutes or more (back or legs). Most areas will require a minimum of five treatments to achieve a satisfactory result. The area needs to be shaved prior to being treated. Waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or any other method that removes the root of the hair must be discontinued at least two weeks prior to treatment. Since the laser targets the root of the hair, it must be present for the treatment to be effective.
Anyone 22 years of age and over may be a suitable candidate for dermal fillers. Still, a thorough consultation is necessary for individuals to determine if dermal fillers are the right choice for them – to guarantee safety and optimal results. During this consultation, we can discuss any relevant concerns relating to dermal filler treatments, such as expected results, potential side effects, and areas available for treatment. With the right expectations and informed decision-making, dermal fillers can provide an effective anti-aging solution.
Our lasers utilize state of the art cooling systems. In most cases, treatment causes only minimal discomfort and numbing preparations are not required. If a client is more sensitive and the area to be treated is not too large, we can prescribe a topical numbing cream to be applied to the area prior to treatment.
Laser hair removal is a “lunch time” procedure. There is no recovery or down time. Patients can return to their normal activities immediately. Our lasers do not injure the dermis so the risks are extremely low. As with any procedure, you will be given an informed consent to read over that explains all the possible risks. Sun exposure or tanning beds and certain medications could possibly make the skin more sensitive to the thermal energy of the laser.