
Neck Lift

Neck Lift in Waltham & Boston, MA
Woman with diamond earrings

Neck Lift in Waltham, Massachusetts

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your profile? Have you noticed hints of a pesky double chin, or has weight loss left you with excess sagging skin? The combination of a neck lift and liposuction may help you achieve a slimmer profile you love. These procedures can be performed together or individually. Learn more during a consultation with our team in the Boston area at Finesse Cosmetic Surgery in Waltham, MA!

What Is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure to tighten and smooth loose or excess skin. This procedure can also tighten loose neck muscles. The overall goal is to create a smoother, younger looking appearance by targeting frustrating skin on the neck.

How Can Liposuction Improve the Neck?

Liposuction is a popular surgical body contouring procedure for the removal of frustrating fat. While it is commonly thought of for areas like the abdomen or thighs, it can also be used for the neck! Choosing liposuction can help reduce the appearance of fullness under the chin or a double chin.

Why Would I Choose a Neck Lift and Liposuction?

Both a neck lift and liposuction are effective procedures for contouring the neck. However, a neck lift focuses more on excess skin, and liposuction targets pesky fat. When used together, a neck lift and liposuction can achieve all of your goals for a smoother and slimmer profile. A consultation with our team in the Boston area can help determine which of these procedures is the best for you and your goals by creating long-lasting, natural-looking results.

What Could I Expect from a Procedure?

While they are different procedures, both the neck lift and liposuction of the neck are surgical procedures. These surgical procedures are not extreme or intense, and they are often short and quick procedures. For your comfort, they are performed under anesthesia by a member of our team.

There will likely be some downtime with either procedure, you should be able to go home following your surgery. Our qualified team in Massachusetts will provide you with the proper pre and post-care instructions. While you should experience results from your treatment shortly after your procedure, it may take some time to fully see them as you heal. Results will vary for each patient and surgical procedure.

Am I a Good Candidate?

A neck lift and liposuction are two different procedures to treat two specific goals, so candidacy will vary. However, if you are looking to enhance your profile, you could likely benefit from one of these procedures. A consultation with our team in the Boston area can help determine if either of these procedures or possibly a combination of the two is right for you. You are unique, and you deserve a treatment plan that is unique just for you!

Schedule Your Consultation!

Frustrated with the appearance of your neck and how it impacts your profile? Contact us today at Finesse Cosmetic Surgery and schedule your consultation! Learn more about a neck lift and liposuction when you meet with our team in the Boston area at our office in Waltham, Massachusetts.