
Close-up side view of a woman's torso wearing white underwear.

Ready to Get Rid of Those Stretch Marks?

Laser stretch mark removal is an effective way to remove stretch marks that may be making you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable. SmartXide fractional CO2 lasers and Cynosure Affirm are two effective options to ease the appearance of stretch marks, and both are offered by Finesse Cosmetic Surgery, conveniently located in Waltham, MA. Now may be the perfect time for a laser stretch mark removal treatment that can help you gain the self-confidence and vibrancy that you want.

How Does Laser Stretch Mark Removal Work?

These marks are caused by stretching in the middle skin layer and the subsequent creation of scar tissue that occurs as the body heals itself. Through laser technology, the treatments spur the break-up of the scar tissue that is embedded below the top layer of the skin. As the scar tissue is broken up, the appearance of the stretch marks will lessen.

Results do vary, and multiple sessions may be required depending on the size and depth of your stretch marks and the overall results that you are working toward. As the scar tissue is broken up and any internal swelling dissipates, you should begin to see the results! The laser treatments are designed to be effective and long-lasting.

What Can I Expect?

We will walk you through the entire process prior to beginning. And, even before you get started, you will talk about which areas of your body you would like treated, as well as your overall health and cosmetic goals.

If you are ready to get rid of those stretch marks, reach out to the team at Finesse Cosmetic Surgery in Waltham, MA and get started on laser stretch mark removal. Now is a great time to stop hiding your body and feeling self-conscious because of those marks. Contact us today to book an appointment and learn more!