After spending countless hours exercising and calculating calories to reduce intake, it can be pretty frustrating to not be able to reach your target weight or body goals. Fortunately, with treatments such as CoolSculpting at Finesse Cosmetic Laser and Lipo in Waltham, MA, you can easily get rid of those last few unwanted pounds of fat.
How Much Fat Can You Lose With CoolSculpting?
The biggest benefit of CoolSculpting is that you can reduce unwanted fat on targeted areas of the body by 25%. With consecutive treatments, you can target pockets of stubborn fat to produce even greater results. Being able to reduce unwanted fat by 25% in multiple areas of your body can produce significant results.
How Many Pounds Does That Equal?
When you get down to the math of it, reducing 25% of fat on an area of your body where you have at least 10 pounds of unwanted fat can mean getting rid of a few pounds. If you treat multiple areas of the body, you can freeze several pounds of body fat away. Many people can lose 10 or more pounds when using this fat reduction treatment on multiple areas of the body.
How Many Clothing Sizes Does That Equal?
Sometimes, measuring your body weight isn’t the best way to assess your fat reduction or fitness. If you are exercising to build muscle, muscle mass may be replacing body fat on your body, which can sometimes make it seem like you’re gaining weight even if you’re not. For this reason, many nutrition experts and exercise coaches recommend measuring your fitness based on clothing sizes instead of trusting the scale.
When you use a body contouring treatment such as CoolSculpting, you can usually reduce your clothing size by one to two pant sizes, or sometimes more depending on which areas of your body you are treating. For example, many people focus on the waist, hips, and thighs, so greatly reducing body fat in this area can slim down your silhouette significantly.
What Is Treatment Like?
Usually, your treatment sessions will take about an hour. This treatment will use several applicators to freeze fat away. For areas of your body that have pinchable fat, such as the stomach, applicators will literally pinch fat in the treatment area to eliminate a greater number of fat cells.
Although this fat reduction treatment will involve freezing fat cells away, the treatment itself is very comfortable. Your skin will not be at risk with this treatment, since fat cells are more sensitive to cold temperatures than skin cells.
Before any of your treatment sessions, you will need to avoid medications and supplements such as aspirin, fish oil, and vitamin E for at least three days. You should also avoid direct contact with the sun or tanning beds since this can potentially cause skin irritation. If you are shaving any area you plan to treat, it’s best to shave at least 48 hours in advance.
After your treatment, the best thing you can do is take it easy for 24 to 48 hours. While you can go back to work, you will want to avoid exercising and other strenuous activities. Additionally, you may want to avoid steam and hot water that can undermine your desired results.
It will usually take several weeks for you to notice your results. Although this aesthetic treatment will immediately kill off fat cells in the first 12 to 24 hours, it will take several days for your body to start getting rid of these destroyed fat cells. The elimination process may take one to three months before you will see significant results. Your final results will develop about three months after your last treatment appointment.
Other FAQs
How Many Treatments Will You Need?
Most people will need a series of one to three treatments to achieve optimal results with this fat reduction technique. The number of treatments required to achieve your desired results will depend on the number of areas you want to treat and your percentage of body fat. People who have significant body fat will usually require at least three treatments, particularly if they are also treating other large areas of the body.
How Long Will Coolsculpting Results Last?
Your results are designed to be long-lasting. The reason for this is that fat cells are not like other cells in the body. Unlike skin cells, blood cells, and hair cells, fat cells are not capable of regeneration.
That said, everybody is born with a predetermined number of fat cells that can grow and shrink to store more fat for energy based on your diet, activity level, and metabolism. This means that when fat cells are destroyed by freezing technology, these fat cells cannot return. Ultimately, this means that if you adopt the right lifestyle practices, you can maintain your goal appearance for a lifetime.
Can You Enhance Your Results?
If you want to get the most out of each of your treatments, you may want to consider things you can do after your appointment to enhance your results. Taking these steps during recovery can help your results develop more quickly. Some things you can do include:
Massage Treatment Area
Lightly massaging the treatment area 12 to 24 hours after the treatment can do a world of good. Although your aesthetic expert may massage your skin after the CoolSculpting session is complete, at-home manual massage can further improve your results so long as you do not generate too much heat on your skin. This is because massaging the treatment area can distribute the cold into deeper fat cells.
Drink Water
Drinking plenty of water after your treatment is key. This is because water can help flush toxins out of your system, including fat cells that are destroyed with this body contouring treatment. Your results will develop more quickly if you can drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. For a person who weighs 150 pounds, this means drinking at least 75 oz of water a day.
Compression Garments
You may also want to wear compression garments on any area that is treated, particularly the waist and stomach. Compression garments can help your body heal into your desired body shape. With fat reduction treatments, compression garments can ensure that skin is tight and that fat reduction produces a smooth, natural-looking result.
How Can You Maintain Results?
Although fat cells cannot regenerate, any fat cells that remain after you achieve your desired results may be able to respond to lifestyle habits. Because fat cells can expand to store more fat for energy, it’s important to lead a healthy lifestyle so that you can avoid weight gain in the future. Some things you can do to maintain your results include:
Maintain Goal Body Weight
Your goal body weight can be determined by several measurements, including BMI and waist-to-hip ratio. You should ask your doctor what healthy body weight is for your age, height, and gender. When you are maintaining a healthy body weight, you should aim to be within five to 10 pounds of this weight at all times.
For women, rest assured that it’s normal for your body weight to fluctuate throughout the month. This is because your body weight reflects your natural response to hormones and water retention as you go through all stages of the menstrual cycle. Usually, you will lose any water weight a few days after your menstrual cycle ends.
Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise is also a key to maintaining healthy body weight. You should aim to have a well-rounded exercise routine, which includes resistance training and cardiovascular activity. If you’re still losing weight, alternating between high-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise can help you burn fat more quickly.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Having a healthy, balanced diet is also essential. Your diet should consist primarily of fiber, protein, and dairy, as these are the building blocks for the proteins and amino acids your body relies on to maintain your health. Limiting sugar, salt, and refined consumption is ultimately best for your health.
Freeze Away Unwanted Fat
If you’re ready to get the body of your dreams and you’re tired of struggling at the gym, it may be time to use body contouring treatments such as CoolSculpting to reach your goals. Take advantage of the specials at Finesse Cosmetic Laser and Lipo in Waltham, MA when you schedule your initial appointment.