For many women, stretch marks are an unpleasant and unavoidable side effect of pregnancy. Stretch marks can also affect a person who has lost or gained a considerable amount of weight within a very short time. Other people who are easily affected by stretch marks include bodybuilders. However, stretch marks do not have to remain on an individual’s body forever, as they can be easily removed using laser stretch mark removal.
Although taking proper care of your skin and maintaining a stable weight can help reduce the chances of stretch marks forming, the reality is that hormonal changes and genetics can cause the formation of stretch marks. There are currently many lotions, creams, and oils that claim to remove and prevent stretch marks, but many medical experts agree that these claims are false.
Since medical professionals started using lasers for cosmetic reasons, there has been renewed hope in the medical world that a real solution for stretch marks may finally be achievable.
Can laser stretch mark removal services really help? Laser treatments help to resurface areas of affected skin. Studies have indicated that laser treatments can, in fact, be used to help reduce the depth of stretch marks.
Laser stretch mark removal services have been seen to be highly effective, especially on immature stretch marks. These refer to shallow, red stretch marks. However, it all depends on the unique case.
There is no permanent cure for stretch marks, but laser stretch mark removal services have a result that can last for many years. However, you must be prepared to take proper care of your skin after the treatment, or else the treatment effects may soon start to fade.
For more information on our laser stretch mark removal services, get in touch with us at Finesse Cosmetic Surgery in Waltham, MA. Contact our office today and schedule your consultation to get started!