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A person in a light blue long-sleeved top positioned with one hand under their chin.

What are Marionette Lines?

There’s something to be said for being proud of the lines on your face as they are markers of your personal history. As the saying goes, you earned every one. Yet that doesn’t mean you have to keep them on your face if you don’t like how they look. As you age, marionette lines form between your mouth and your chin. You can treat these, however, right here at Finesse Cosmetic Surgery in Waltham.

Why That Name?

Marionette lines are the lines that run down from the corners of your mouth to either side of your chin. They make your lower lip and chin look like the segmented chin on a marionette or ventriloquist’s dummy. These lines are harmless and form naturally as you get older, but they can make your face look severe or saggy and puffy, not to mention, they can make you look older.

Fillers Offer a Simple Treatment

Making those marionette lines disappear, or at least look a lot less noticeable, is fairly simple. A simple dermal filler treatment, which our specialist injects into your face to fill out or plump up areas, is a fantastic option as the effect is almost immediate. Depending on the severity of the lines and how many smaller lines you have in the chin area, you may need more or less of the filler.

Which Filler is Right for You?

A filler treatment for marionette lines isn’t permanent, but it is a suitable option for people who don’t want to have a procedure done very often, as the effects can last for quite a while before repeat injections are necessary. The length of the results also depends on which filler is used. That’s right — we offer multiple fillers at our office for the treatment of marionette lines. During a consultation, we can help you determine which one is right for you.

Schedule an Appointment

Finesse Cosmetic Surgery in Waltham offers Juvederm®, Restylane®, Radiesse®, as well as many other treatments for smoothing out the skin. Why keep lines you don’t like? To arrange a consultation, contact us today! We look forward to speaking with you.