
Side view of a woman with brown hair swept to the side, showing her bare shoulder and profile down to her collarbone.

Maintain Beautiful Skin with Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment for the facial skin. It is performed by a skilled and trained specialist and can be part of an ongoing skin maintenance routine. Most people prefer to have a chemical peel performed once or twice each year. The peel treatment helps maintain evenly-toned skin and reduces the visual signs of aging such as tiny dynamic wrinkles and superficial scarring. A peel treatment can be custom-designed to meet the needs of the client. We strongly suggest that anyone interested in learning more about chemical peels contact us to schedule a consultation. We offer the Vitalize Peel® to effectively help patients improve and maintain their skin.

The Vitalize Peel®

The Vitalize Peel® is FDA-approved to provide noticeable skin care for almost any healthy individual dealing with skin issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne and acne scarring, sun spots, hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores. This peel works by removing dead skin cells and revealing the younger, healthier skin underneath. The entire process typically takes just 20 to 45 minutes to complete. Because the treatment is so gentle, most patients can go back to their daily routine soon after their treatment is finished. By incorporating the Vitalize Peel® into your skincare routine, you can give yourself glowing, healthy skin for years to come.

How Chemical Peels Help

The Vitalize Peel® is a versatile treatment. As such, it can be customized for your needs to help you address the specific issues you may be experiencing. No special care need be performed by the after your treatment is complete. Chemical peels improve fine lines and wrinkles, scaly patches, sun-damaged skin and freckles. They may also help diminish the appearance of age spots and superficial scars. Working chemical peel treatments into your facial care routine will help you maintain clear, supple and evenly-toned skin. It can virtually transform the face of a mature adult in a very positive way.

Ask Us About Chemical Peels

These days, specialists have many different peel chemical formulas from which to choose. The Vitalize Peel® is among the most effective and safest chemical peels available, and for good reason. Chemical peels are now more effective than ever before, so you can be sure the procedure is safe. When you come in for your consultation with us at Finesse Cosmetic Surgery, you can ask any questions you like, and we will be happy to let you know what this treatment can do for you. Contact our office in Waltham to schedule your first appointment and learn more.