
A woman wearing a rainbow-striped bikini on a beach.

Get Smartlipo for a Speedy Recovery

In the past, if you wanted to remove inches from problem areas which weren’t responding to diet and exercise, you had to undergo standard liposuction. Now, you can get similar results with Smartlipo, a less invasive technique that shrinks fat. It makes for a speedier recovery. Its benefits extend beyond what traditional fat reduction techniques can accomplish. Here are some more reasons why you may want to consider Smartlipo.

It Uses a Laser and a Smaller Cannula

A cannula is a device used by the surgeon to remove fat during traditional liposuction. The doctor makes punctures in the skin to drain the fat before suctioning it with a drainage tool. Then the doctor vacuums the liquid. Clients will need to wear compression bandages for weeks because of the larger incisions.

While Smartlipo requires injections, the needles measure one millimeter in diameter, or about the size of a pen. The smaller needle means the punctures are also smaller, so they don’t require stitches. The low-energy laser fiber heats the fat to a melting point, and it won’t damage good tissue. Since the equipment is not handled manually, it reduces the amount of tissue trauma and the time needed to wear compression bandages, if required.

Smartlipo Fixes Sagging Skin

Traditional liposuction does not address sagging skin, which means you may need additional procedures and extra recovery time for each one. There is an additional benefit to Smartlipo. As the laser melts the fat, the heat helps seal the blood vessels and produces collagen without additional injections. Collagen production could last for months following the treatment, and clients have seen a noticeable decrease in sagging skin.

It Uses Local Anesthesia

Smartlipo uses local anesthesia, which means in most cases, you could be out of the recovery room and return to normal activity within just days. Local anesthesia eliminates the nausea and confusion associated with general anesthesia. However, recovery time varies depending on the amount of fat removed and other factors.

Smartlipo is called smart for a reason. To learn more about it, consult our doctor at Finesse Cosmetic Surgery during an initial consultation at our office in Waltham. Contact us today to book your appointment!